Individual Therapy:

Authentic. Empowering. Co-Created.

Therapeutic Approach

  • I provide psychotherapy to individuals 18 and older.

  • I strive to work from these lenses:

    • Queer affirming

    • Trans affirming

    • Relationship structure minority affirming (including consensual non-monogamy and polyamory)

    • Sex positive

    • Kink positive

    • Fat/body positive and Health-at-Every-Size (HAES)

    • Trauma-informed

    • Resilience based

  • I believe that through the development of a therapeutic relationship founded in authenticity, openness, safety, and connection, we can co-create a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to explore healing.

Social Justice

  • My chosen path to becoming a therapist was through the field of social work. I was drawn to social work because of its emphasis and foundation in social justice work.

  • Social justice is an inherent focus of my therapeutic approach.

  • Helping clients embrace their authentic selves involves overcoming internal barriers, but also navigating systems of oppression and privilege. Advocacy is a fundamental part of my work with clients, especially those with marginalized identities.